Innovative achievements
- Cherry Hill Coolstores was the first to install a potato grader to service the seed industry.
- First coolstore with the ability and machinery to intake seed from bulk trucks, instead of bins.
- First coolstore provider to find a buyer for surplus seed that some growers have no sale for.
- The only coolstore provider to install a washing plant which is capable of washing seed that has rot in it, hence saving the majority of seed for the owner.
- The first coolstore provider to grade seed as it proceeds through the cutter.
- The first coolstore provider to introduce one tonne bins which were designed and built by Cherry Hill Coolstores, and approved by others.
- We funded and implemented our own overseas research expeditions to England, United States, Holland and New Zealand.
- Cherry Hill Coolstores was the first provider to introduce and perfect the pre‐cutting of seed. On some varieties, this increases the yield by some three or four tonnes per acre.
- First provider to install a dirt eliminator in our unloading machinery.
- First to have a chemical applicator with a capacity to apply chemical at intake.
- The first provider to mix Fir Bark and Cement, also Fir Bark and Tato Dust.
- First to install bulking bagging as a service to industry.
- In 2015, the grading and cutting shed including a dusting chemical application room.
- In 2018, Cherry Hill Coolstores commenced an electronic weighbridge to record weights per 1 tonne bin.
- In 2018, we released 2-tonne bins with a specially-designed system to allow air to circulate through the centre of each bin.
- 2019 saw further innovation, with the commencement of our second bulk unloading line. This line uses an electronic weighbridge to fill multiple 1 or 2 tonne bins simultaneously, with a pre-set weight of seed.
- 2019 PotatoPal Advantage app launched.
- Bin tracing system: new 1-tonne and 2-tonne bin tracing hardware and software in development, as a cooperation between UTAS and Cherry Hill Coolstores, for on-site deployment in 2022.